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Grant Access to wmf for eigyan
Closed, ResolvedPublic


  • The username of your existing account on Eigyan
  • Do you currently have shell access (Yes/No)? Not sure
  • Purpose (Specify which service you need to get access to, e.g. Icinga, Grafana, Superset etc): Gerrit
  • The specific LDAP group that you want to be added to (optional): WMF

For contractors only:

  • Contract end date:
  • Contract contact person:

Event Timeline

Change 740178 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jelto; author: Jelto):

[operations/puppet@production] admin: add Essex Igyan Igyan to ldap_only section

Jelto triaged this task as Medium priority.Nov 19 2021, 2:51 PM

Change 740178 merged by Dzahn:

[operations/puppet@production] admin: add Essex Igyan to ldap_only section

Hi @eigyan

welcome to WMF :)

At first I could not find your user name "Eigyan" in LDAP (that's the account you created on Wikitech wiki and the one we needed for the addition to the "wmf" group). But I found you by email, the username there is "essexigyan", same as the shell user name.

We have added you here, in Gerrit so you can check that out as an example change in Gerrit.

You are now in the "wmf" LDAP group and that gets you, besides Gerrit, also all these additional things:

Feel free to take a look.



Dzahn claimed this task.

P.S. re: "Do you currently have shell access (Yes/No)? Not sure". The answer is currently you do not have shell access in production. But you could have shell in the cloud VPS environment and use this: / your existing Wikitech credentials will also just work there.

Calling this resolved, feel free to reopen if you run into problems.

@Dzahn: Does that mean @eigyan should also be added as a member to WMF-NDA per instructions?

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2021-11-19T20:21:20Z] <mutante> phabricator - adding eigyan to WMF-NDA (phab projectt 61 - ) - since that is now standard when adding people to the wmf LDAP group (T295928)

@Dzahn: Does that mean @eigyan should also be added as a member to WMF-NDA per instructions?

Yes, it does:) Thanks for the reminder. Done.