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Security Issue Access Request for Jakob_WMDE
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Phabricator Username: Jakob_WMDE

Reasons For Request:
As WMDE software engineer I am responsible for software that runs on WMF production sites (e.g. Wikidata) as in other non-Wikimedia environment (Wikibase cloud/dev). I need an efficient way of identifying and understanding security issues with the software I am responsible for, and in the software that runs in environments WMDE is responsible for. I need access to security tasks also to be able to contribute to fixing issues, overseeing fixing of those, and eventually to make issues public once issues have been resolve.

Event Timeline

As WMDE's Engineering Manager I approve and support this request.

Dsharpe claimed this task.
Dsharpe edited projects, added SecTeam-Processed; removed Security-Team.
Dsharpe subscribed.

Done. Thank you!