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Jobs stuck in delete state on Toolforge
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Hi all,

I've similar trouble as [[T278645]] it has been running for several weeks as they are already in deletion but nothing happens. Please delete the jobs.


job-ID         user         state submit/start at     queue                          slots ja-task-ID
 333140     tools.jarbot dt    02/01/2022 09:32:47     1
7954533     tools.jarbot dr    01/19/2022 17:25:09     1
7955214     tools.jarbot dt    01/19/2022 17:40:09     1

Event Timeline

Jar renamed this task from Three jobs stuck in delete state to Jobs stuck in delete state on Toolforge.Feb 8 2022, 9:49 AM
taavi claimed this task.
taavi subscribed.

done, sorry for the delay!

taavi@tools-sgebastion-11:~ $ sudo qdel -f 333140 7954533 7955214
root forced the deletion of job 333140
root forced the deletion of job 7954533
root forced the deletion of job 7955214