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Request to move WiKansai to Wikimedia servers
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I'd like to know if Wikimedia Foundation is okay to set a wiki for us, non-chapter group Wikimedians in Kansai whose wiki resides now at running a server Toru Iwase owns along the domain itself.

FYI Toru is a long term Wikimedian and he states publicly the ownership of is transferred to Japanese Chapter if it's founded and requests so. Since he served once as CU for JaWP, his identity is given to Foundation.

Background of my question: Since the formation of WiKansai, we have used a wiki operated by Toru whose server is located at his apartment in Tokyo. It has run until today without problem from the beginning. Until today. Due to damaging facilities, e.g.. the nuke one, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) starts planning blackout in Tokyo and vicinity. Each blackout are limited to 3 hour duration, but the server on which WiKansai wiki runs will be out of service from 9am to 9pm in local time, since no one wouldn't restart it when the blackout ends. TEPCO news release (in Japanese) implies they will do planning blackouts again, if necessary.

Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Unbreak Now!.Nov 21 2014, 11:34 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz28067.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Forgot to put original requestor is KIZU Naoko (email not given since I posted this here without gaining permission for the email first.)

Aphaia wrote:

Thanks Mark opening this bug on my behalf, and Phoebe for poking Mark :)

tietew-mediazilla wrote:

I'm Toru (aka User:Tietew)
Now my house is OUT of blackout area.
Therefore, WiKansai is not planned to be stoped currently.

Aphaia wrote:

TEPCO modified their plan where and when to make blackouts, his neighborhood is now out of planned blackout area in the latest version of schedule.

Our wiki will therefore be running safely and without problem at that moment, while I'd love to see it running always undisturbed.

Perhaps the Toolserver could host it?

Aphaia wrote:

Thank you for your all concerns expressed to date,
now that Manuel Schneider has agreed to take care of our wiki at his server,
hopefully we can say that we have reached a safe harbor.

We at WiKansai appreciate all you for your concerns, search and
suggestions in this search and hope the newly getting stability
ensures us more progress.