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Cannot login when database is on a different server than the webserver
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Author: etiennefalcon

Hi all,

I've ran into a weird trouble and I need a hand.

We have two webservers that provided redundancy.
The web sites are simply copy/pasted from the primary to the backup server.
The load balancing is all done on the network side.
Hence, we have to have the same web sites on both servers, otherwise the page won't show half the time the user browse to it.
Same with the wiki page.
So, I created the wiki page on the backup server, and linked it to the database on the primary. (i know... not totally redundant, but if we lose the master, the wikipage is the last of our trouble)
Once I granted database acces to the backup server, it worked like a charm.
I can browse the entire wiki site without a glitch.

Then I tried to login a local user. I get this error:
"Loggin error
You have not specified a valid user name."

It does work when you browse the primary, but not on the backup.
the users are stored in the database, and since all the rest of the site is also pulled from the database I can't see why it's not working.

Here's our configuration:
Windows server 2008 R2
PHP 5.3.5
MediaWiki 1.16.2
MySQL 5.1.53

It might have something to do with the the IIS authentication... but honestly I have no clue.
I have no windows events or php_errors relative to that issue.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you


Version: 1.16.x
Severity: major
Platform: PC



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 11:37 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz28097.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Bryan.TongMinh wrote:

If you use MediaWiki with multiple webservers, you need to store your session data on a shared storage. This means using memcached, or setting PHP's session store path to a shared path (but I don't know if that is supported).

As Bryan pointed out this is a problem with the setup, not anything that can be fixed in MediaWiki.

etiennefalcon wrote:

Great! thanx for the hint guys.
I'll look into it and report any development.


etiennefalcon wrote:

Got it working.
Not exactly a walk in the park but...

here's a little walk-through I created for our own use, thought I would share it with you.

Install WIKI on TWO Load-Balanced Server
The server we are using to publish the Wiki site are load-balanced.
So if we install the WikiPage on only one server, if the switch directs you to the second server you won’t reach the site.
If you simply install two stand alone wiki on both servers, well they will be stand alone. Any change made on one serer won’t show on the other server.

The solution is to install Wiki on both servers and have the second one (back) to point to the database on the prime server. Not as easy as it sounds… I’ll walk you through it.
Note: For a real redundant installation you would perform the following steps on both server and have them point to a third database server, or have the servers act as a cluster. In our case, we just want the web-site to display properly.

1-Install a standalone wiki site on your “back” server as explained in this document. To make the process easier, you can copy the configuration files. For the PHP, the file is php.ini and for the wiki, LocalSettings.php.
Don’t forget to install (copy) the extensions on the ‘back” server.

2-We need to share some key folders on the “prime” server:
a. PHP/sessiondata
b. PHP/uploadtemp
c. Inetpub/Wiki/images
Share the folders, and allow a domain user all access to them.

3-On the “back” server only, you need to have the application pool run as the user you picked at step 2. To do so, in IIS, go on “Application Pools” select the appropriate pool, Wiki if you followed this manual. Right click “Advanced Settings” and change the Identity to that user.

4-On the “back” server. Delete the wiki/images folder. This folder holds the uploaded images and all the other uploaded files.

5-On the “back” server, create a virtual folder pointing to your_prime_server/inetpub/wiki/images/. Right click the wiki web app, “Add Virtual Directory”. Alias: Images. Physical path: your_prime_server/images/. Click “Connect as…” and configure your domain user that has acces to the images folder.

6-Make the following change to the php.ini file on the “back_server”

a. open_basedir = "c:/inetpub/wiki; //”your_prime_server”/sessiondata; //”your_prime_server”/uploadtemp; //”your_prime_server”/images"
b. upload_tmp_dir = "//”your_prime_server”/uploademp"
c. session.save_path = "//”your_prime_server”/sessiondata"

7-Make sure this is set as: fastcgi.impersonate = 0

any comments or suggestions, go ahead !


Oh just so you know memCached is now memBase available at
still free !

(In reply to comment #4)

here's a little walk-through I created for our own use, thought I would share
it with you.

Would you mind posting this to to make it easy for others who try to imitate your setup??

etiennefalcon wrote:

Will Do ! (in the following week hopefully)
