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Visual Editor treats formatnum code as a template name
Closed, DuplicatePublicBUG REPORT


List of steps to reproduce (step by step, including full links if applicable):

What happens?:

  • Visual Editor treats it as if it was a template called [[Template:Formatnum:1017449]], instead of letting you edit the number that is within {{formatnum:…}}

What should have happened instead?:

  • You should be able to click it and edit the number and keep it within the {{formatnum:…}} tags.


When you click the number:

Skjermdump fra 2022-03-01 09-54-16.png (136×417 px, 11 KB)

When you click edit:

Skjermdump fra 2022-03-01 09-54-27.png (492×510 px, 18 KB)

Event Timeline

Stupid me, before I submitted this I searched for "formatnum visual editor", but forgot to search for "formatnum visualeditor". D'oh.