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error in Vector.combined.js caused by a render function checking for "perfectmatch"
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Author: mgramlich

Dear team,

I installed mediawiki version 1.16.2 (updated from 1.16.0).
Then I added the extension "Usability Initiative".

Problem: I would like to use $wgVectorUseSimpleSearch = true;
but it is not working correctly.
In contrary to this website, where they use mediawiki 1.16.0 and the Usability Initiative extension and the simple search behaves as it should:

Trying to solve it ourselves,
we played a little around with the file
and found the lines

special: {

			render: function( query ) {
				var perfectMatch = true;
				$j(this).closest( '.suggestions' ).find( '.suggestions-results div' ).each( function() {
					if ( $j(this).data( 'text' ) == query ) {
						perfectMatch = true;
				} );
				if ( perfectMatch ) {

Disabling "perfectMatch" we were able to force that the fulltext suggestion appearing in case the search string matches the start of a TITLE.

However we could not solve why the PAGE TEXT is not being considered.
No suggestion "containing..." displayed when typing a string.

Any idea where the problem originates from?

Thank you very much.


Version: unspecified
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 11:24 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz28303.

This is fixed in 1.17. A release candidate for 1.17 is slated to be released this week.