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Edit count not updating
Closed, InvalidPublic


Mi current edit count in the Spanish Wkipedia is at more than 8,600, however XTools only reflects 8,575 edits?

XTools version: 3.14.4-833b6bae

Event Timeline

MusikAnimal moved this task from Backlog to Complete on the XTools board.
MusikAnimal subscribed.

I see 8,657 at

I'm guessing you were making edits and continually re-checking XTools. For performance reasons, there is a 10 minute cache on all queries in XTools, so what you see could be outdated by up to 10 minutes. There's a feature request to be able to purge the cache at T209334: Allow users to purge the cache. Another possibility is that the replica database was lagged which can also result in outdated counts, but if that were the case you should see a warning at the top of the page in XTools.

Additionally, note that XTools counts your edits differently than MediaWiki does. For more information, refer to the documentation:

Closing as invalid, assuming the issue was either cache or replication lag.

Yes the problem was a lag with XTools which is solved now. Thanks!