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[WF6] wvui 0.4.0 crashes the search function for wikis not installed in /w directory
Closed, DeclinedPublicBUG REPORT



Since the installation of WF6 and the upgrade of wvui to 0.4.0 we noticed that it was crashing the search function for wikis not installed on /w directory (T288686).

The files and lines involved are the following:

Line 2530 : if (articlePath === void 0) { articlePath = '/w/index.php'; }
Line 2562 : default: '/w/index.php'
Line 1542 : default: '/w/index.php'
Line 1510: if (articlePath === void 0) { articlePath = '/w/index.php'; }

Our wiki being installed directly in root, we just deleted w/ to fix the bug.

Shouldn't this one rather take into account the directory variable indicated in LocalSettings.php?

Thanks for your work,



Event Timeline

Falloutgen renamed this task from [WF6] wvui 0.4.0 crashes the search function for wikis not installed in /w root to [WF6] wvui 0.4.0 crashes the search function for wikis not installed in /w directory.Apr 5 2022, 7:32 AM
Volker_E subscribed.

With TypeaheadSearch switched over to Codex and more generally T310243: Deprecate WVUI in favor of Codex this should be declined, if it's valid at all anymore after T288686)