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Request for March 2022 per-host traffic
Closed, ResolvedPublic


In T300164 @JAllemandou created mayakpwiki.pageview_dataloss with per-host traffic from Nov 2021 through Feb 2022.

To address T303998 we used the proportion of traffic received by the affected nodes in Feb 2022 to estimate how much traffic those nodes may have received but did not log. This methodology assumes that the proportion of traffic received is consistent month to month.

While @JMando is checking the estimates for Dec 2021 using Event Platform-based banner impression counts, we would like to verify our assumption of consistency for March (at least prior to the launch of the new drmrs data center on March 21st, 2022).

Event Timeline

mpopov triaged this task as High priority.Apr 19 2022, 10:33 PM
mpopov created this task.

This is done, data is available at hdfs:///wmf/data/wmf/pageview/dataloss_2022-03
Please let us know when your analysis are complete so that we delete the data :)