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Test with a demo stateless application
Closed, ResolvedPublic3 Estimated Story Points


Deploy a standard hello-world app to prove the cluster works

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I am content that this cluster is now working. I tried a couple of custom deployments with kubectl apply -f echoserver-deploy.yaml and I could see the Deployment being created.
Similarly, namepsces and other Kubernetes objects could be created and viewed, but the pods themselves were not created because they did not match any existing pod security policies.

However, I don't believe that it's a good use of time to persevere down this road of trying to get a 'hello world' application up and running, outside of the existing deployment pipeline.
We would be better off focussing on some of the actual workloads that we would like to put on this cluster, namely the Spark on K8S operator and a test of the Kerberos clients.