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Clayola Brown
Closed, InvalidPublic


This article was written entirely by myself. However, I am not given credit for my work on Xtools. This happened because user Nathan2055 moved a previous sandbox I had developed to Draft space before accepting, which created a redirect for navigational purposes. Clayola Brown was built on top of that redirect page. Later, admin xaosflux performed a history repair on that page so that I get the due credit. But it seems that Xtools doesn't recognize me as the creator of the article.

Event Timeline

Dr.Pinsky updated the task description. (Show Details)
MusikAnimal moved this task from Backlog to Complete on the XTools board.
MusikAnimal subscribed.
MariaDB [enwiki_p]> SELECT rev_parent_id FROM revision WHERE rev_id = 1076902025;
| rev_parent_id |
|    1067645173 |

The database says that Special:Diff/1067645173 is the parent ID for the initial revision of this page. I have no idea why this happened, but that's why the XTools Pages Created tool isn't picking it up (it looks for rev_parent_id = 0). To fix this, we are hoping to utilize the new page creation log (T221730) which should give more exacting results. However, that doesn't work here either... see the log for Clayola Brown. It's empty! So it seems MediaWiki itself is confused at least in some regard.

This is further confirmed by reviewing your contributions to show only page creations (in the mainspace) and it also doesn't report Clayola Brown. It seems whatever the problem is, it's with the MediaWiki (either software or corrupt data after the history merge). XTools is matching what the database gives it. I'm afraid I don't have a good answer as to how this can be fixed in XTools :(

Thus I will decline this as invalid as it's at least not an XTools problem. I'm not sure what to recommend; this probably happens every once in a while after history merges and page moves/etc. that otherwise mangle the revision history.

On the bright side, the XTools ArticleInfo and its gadget are well aware you started this page and that you have written 95+% of the content: That works because it goes through each revision belonging to the page. When we try to find all pages created by a given user (like the Pages Created tool), it has to use a different system similar to above query which unfortunately doesn't give us the correct results.

Sorry I cannot help any further!

Hi MusikAnimal. Could anything be done on the English wiki?