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Sunset or update ptwiki tools to Kubernetes
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Hey @He7d3r @Alchimista @Danilo I was notified runs on Debian Stretch, which is no longer supported. Does it make to continue supporting the ptwiki tools? Shall we sunset them? I've haven't used them in awhile and would like your opinion here.

Side note: I've lost my access to my toolsadmin's user :P and don't know how to recover it. The site doesn't have a "forgot password" feature, not maybe I am looking at the wrong place.

Event Timeline

Danilo claimed this task.

Why I didn't receive any e-mail notification about that?

I migrated the tool to kubernetes in May, but I forgot to check jobs in crontab, I checked it now and there was a job running weekly still using the Debian Stretch, probably the notification was due that job, the job was to update an old list that is not used anymore, so I just disabled it.