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Inactive Diffusion repos for missingpages and wiki2email were migrated to GitLab
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Earlier today, I received notifications about being added to toolforge-repos/wiki2email and toolforge-repos/missingpages projects in GitLab.

Per @bd808, it looks like the projects were created from Diffusion repositories. I used Diffusion for source control before, but I switched to Gerrit a while ago. The repositories are now hosted in labs/tools/missingpages and labs/tools/wiki2email respectively. Can the GitLab projects be deleted and the Diffusion projects be marked as hosted elsewhere? Thanks!

Assigning to @bd808 per IRC discussion.

Event Timeline

Diffusion repos that were mirrored:

I think the "best" fix here will be to:

  • delete the unwanted gitlab repos
  • delete the associated tracking record in Striker's database
  • configure the diffusion repo as a read-only mirror of the gerrit origin