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Restart tool "whois-referral" webservice
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Said tool doesn't have a Tools sub-project, hence logging this incorrectly here — I asked in #wikimedia-cloud-admin a few hours ago, but just logging here, so someone can do it as and when.

Please restart the webservice of the whois-referral tool, which is relied on by a fair few people (and linked to by MoreMenu) — the maintainer, @ST47, has been inactive for ~1 month.

Event Timeline

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-cloud) [2022-09-09T21:39:36Z] <wm-bot> <root> Hard stop + start. App was down with uWSGI listen queue exhaustion. (T317449)

bd808 subscribed.

@TheresNoTime I restarted it this time. I think someone should open a request to adopt the tool if @ST47 is really unresponsive. has the information and the link to create the task that is needed to kick off that process.

Thanks again @bd808 — I've left them a message asking them to consider adding me as a maintainer. I note the adoption policy requires the tool to be "nonfunctional (no webservice/offline) for 14 days" to be eligible?

Thanks again @bd808 — I've left them a message asking them to consider adding me as a maintainer. I note the adoption policy requires the tool to be "nonfunctional (no webservice/offline) for 14 days" to be eligible?

The criteria is any one of:

  • The tool must have been nonfunctional (no webservice/offline) for 14 days.
  • The current tool maintainer(s) must not have been active in any Wikimedia project for 28 days.

The either/or state here was deliberate so that the community does not have to suffer the tool being offline. shows no on-wiki activity for @ST47 for ~40 days. Their last interaction here on Phabricator was 2022-07-29. Their Developer account has never been attached on wikitech. The criteria to request adoption due to >=28 days of project inactivity has been met.

Thanks again @bd808 — I've left them a message asking them to consider adding me as a maintainer. I note the adoption policy requires the tool to be "nonfunctional (no webservice/offline) for 14 days" to be eligible?

The criteria is any one of:

  • The tool must have been nonfunctional (no webservice/offline) for 14 days.
  • The current tool maintainer(s) must not have been active in any Wikimedia project for 28 days.

The either/or state here was deliberate so that the community does not have to suffer the tool being offline.

😣 oops, not like it was bolded or anything.. /s

The either/or state here was deliberate so that the community does not have to suffer the tool being offline.

😣 oops, not like it was bolded or anything.. /s

To be fair, I added the bolding after you read the rules, but before I responded to you here: </gaslight> ;)