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VisualEditor unavailable
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The VisualEditor was unavailable (greyed out) yesterday until I unchecked "Automatically enable most beta features" in my Wikipedia - Preferences, Beta features tab, which is admittedly not the default setting.
(I found the lack of the VisualEditor to be a problem because math formulae get very tricky to enter manually.)

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If you're talking about the behavior on, I think this is expected – when "Automatically enable most beta features" is checked, you can't uncheck the individual beta features, so their checkboxes become greyed out to indicate this.

Or do you mean that the editor itself would not open when you tried to edit an article? (Note that visual editing is not available in some namespaces, e.g. on talk pages.)

"Visual editing" was only available to me for article after I unchecked "Automatically enable most beta features" in my Wikipedia - Preferences, Beta features tab.

But I just checked this again and that is definitely no longer the case: the problem is gone somehow. Thank you.

Gherson2 claimed this task.