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Mailman: strip the 'DKIM-Signature' related to the original messages, since Mailman alters the message, causing broken DKIM signature, contributing to messages marked as spam
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Emails received from WMIT Mailman may have invalid DKIM signature and can be (often) marked as spam.

Example of a problematic header:

Authentication-Results: (amavisd-new); dkim=fail (1024-bit
 key) reason="fail (message has been altered)"
 header.b=JTAvJYcU; dkim=fail (1024-bit key) reason="fail (message has been
 altered)" header.b=JTAvJYcU


fail (message has been altered)


When someone (with a recent mailserver, I mean a DKIM-enabled mailserver) sends an email to the WMIT Mailman, it may be cases where the original DKIM firm is valid, but Mailman delivers invalid DKIM-Signature signature, and so the email is marked as spam and, often, discarded by receivers.

This happens because Mailman alters the original message. This happens in various ways: changing the subject, adding the prefix [Something], altering the body, altering the From:, etc.

Mailman alters the original message and it breaks the original DKIM signature.

Ideal solution

  1. strip the DKIM-Signature: header since it cannot be valid anymore if Mailman changes the original message
  2. (bonus point) preserve the old DKIM signature in another (non?)standard header (uhm... ?... X-original-DKIM-Signature:) for cryptography lovers who might want to check it out
  3. (bonus point) introduce a valid DKIM-Signature: generated by the Mailman's underlying mailserver, in order to have a valid signature respecting the new message delivered from Mailman

Having said that, I don't think this solution can be implemented easily in Mailman.

Proposed solution

Edit the Mailman configuration file and set remove_dkim_headers: yes in order to strip the header DKIM-Signature: that usually contains an invalid firm, since the original message was altered by Mailman and so its crypto signature is invalid.

Related documentation explaining default value:

# Some list posts and mail to the -owner address may contain DomainKey or
# DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) signature headers <>.
# Various list transformations to the message such as adding a list header or
# footer or scrubbing attachments or even reply-to munging can break these
# signatures.  It is generally felt that these signatures have value, even if
# broken and even if the outgoing message is resigned.  However, some sites
# may wish to remove these headers by setting this to 'yes'.
remove_dkim_headers: no

Event Timeline

Thanks to @Nemo_bis for reporting the issue every time I send an e-mail. I hope this page makes sense as solution.

valerio.bozzolan claimed this task.

Fixed by a combination of:

  • strip of the invalidated DKIM signature
  • addition of valid DKIM signature, signed from the's mailserver

Change 908495 had a related patch set uploaded (by VolkerE; author: VolkerE):

[design/codex@main] tokens, Message, InfoChip: Use darker border colors

Change 908524 had a related patch set uploaded (by VolkerE; author: VolkerE):

[mediawiki/core@master] mediawiki.ui: Apply darker Message border colors

(Hi @Volker_E - note that T322429 is unrelated from

Yeah, sorry. Fixed directly before you've sent the message above.