Author: spam
Not really a bug, but a feature request:
My idea is to transform the discussion pages to a real forum, as known from phpBB, Woltlab
Burning Board or vBulletin.
So each article would have one subforum, in which everyone can create a new thread. Other
users can answer these threads or create new ones. It should only be possible to edit your
own posts but not the ones from others.
The forum structure could be like this:
Wikipedia Forum
-Wikipedia intern
--Proposals and criticism
--(Subforum for each article)
--(Subforum for each users)
--(Subforum for each portal)
and so on...
I think this way the discussions would be much more effective and purposeful.
At the the top of each discussion page there could be a notice where you are at the
You are here: [Wikipedia Forum] -> [Articles] -> [Foobar] -> [Delete this article?]
The most important thing is that the discussion is really organized in forums, subforums,
threads and posts, EXACTLY the way it is in the known Burning Boards.
--> swEEper (
Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement