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Create a chart showing distribution of Wikibases
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We want to monitor which Wikibases are on cloud and how large they are in relation to each other, so that we can have a better understanding of how our users are using Wikibase Cloud, the health of the ecosystem and what future requirements related to scaling might be.


  • Platform Summary dashboard contains a visualisation of the Wikibases on cloud with relative size to each other
  • Size is defined as amount of entities
  • The Wikibases (the url: should be visible (hoover-over is fine)
  • We should be able to analyze trends over time, a weekly refresh of the data is sufficient

Event Timeline

We looked at this and noticed that the details of the implementation are likely to overlap quite a lot with "Important note for implementation: We want to, in the future, make this insightful for our users as well, so they can find each other."

Tarrow removed the point value for this task.Aug 3 2023, 1:09 PM