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Enhance Special:MergeItems to display multiple merge conflicts simultaneously
Closed, DuplicatePublicFeature


User story:
As a Wikidata editor using the Special:MergeItems tool,

  • I want to be able to view all merge conflicts in a single view rather than having to resolve conflicts one at a time.
  • This will allow me to more efficiently merge items with differing descriptions in the same language,
  • as I will be able to see all conflicts at once and easily identify the language by its full name rather than just the code.

Currently, the Special:MergeItems tool only displays one merge conflict at a time.

Impact on users:
I have to figure out what the name of the language is, delete the description, try to merge and find the next language that has a conflict.

Implement a feature in Special:MergeItems to display multiple merge conflicts simultaneously, including the full name of the language in question.

Acceptance criteria:

  • Special:MergeItems displays multiple merge conflicts at once
  • Full name of language is displayed (not just the code)

See previous discussion:
Wikidata:Report a technical problem#Show multiple merge conflicts when merging