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Fix: Errors in import statements
Closed, ResolvedPublic


VS Code is showing errors in import statements and other small errors!

Screenshot_20221231_103341.png (659×1 px, 104 KB) went down due in the recent deployment of the latest code, resolve the below errors so build works. Temporarily disabled lint and brought tool back to live.

video-cut-tool$ npm run build

> video-cut-tool@0.5.0 build
> react-scripts build

Creating an optimized production build...
Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
  npx browserslist@latest --update-db
  Why you should do it regularly:
Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
  npx browserslist@latest --update-db
  Why you should do it regularly:
Failed to compile.

  Line 7:1:  More than 1 blank line not allowed  no-multiple-empty-lines

  Line 40:84:   Strings must use singlequote        quotes
  Line 40:142:  There should be no space after '='  react/jsx-equals-spacing

  Line 25:1:    This line has a length of 146. Maximum allowed is 100         max-len
  Line 25:35:   There should be no space before ','                           comma-spacing
  Line 25:73:   Multiple spaces found before 'setHourTimer'                   no-multi-spaces
  Line 25:119:  A space is required before '}'                                object-curly-spacing
  Line 29:20:   A space is required after ','                                 comma-spacing
  Line 29:48:   Strings must use singlequote                                  quotes
  Line 30:18:   A space is required after ','                                 comma-spacing
  Line 74:13:   Missing space before =>                                       arrow-spacing
  Line 74:16:   Missing space after =>                                        arrow-spacing
  Line 79:3:    Expected space(s) after "if"                                  keyword-spacing
  Line 79:20:   Missing space before opening brace                            space-before-blocks
  Line 80:4:    Assignment (=) can be replaced with operator assignment (-=)  operator-assignment
  Line 80:13:   Operator '=' must be spaced                                   space-infix-ops
  Line 80:23:   Operator '-' must be spaced                                   space-infix-ops
  Line 81:13:   Operator '=' must be spaced                                   space-infix-ops
  Line 81:16:   Operator '+' must be spaced                                   space-infix-ops
  Line 83:3:    Expected space(s) after "if"                                  keyword-spacing
  Line 83:20:   Missing space before opening brace                            space-before-blocks
  Line 84:4:    Assignment (=) can be replaced with operator assignment (-=)  operator-assignment
  Line 84:11:   Operator '=' must be spaced                                   space-infix-ops
  Line 84:19:   Operator '-' must be spaced                                   space-infix-ops
  Line 85:13:   Operator '=' must be spaced                                   space-infix-ops
  Line 85:16:   Operator '+' must be spaced                                   space-infix-ops

  Line 200:50:  Missing space before =>  arrow-spacing

  Line 63:22:  A space is required after ','                          comma-spacing
  Line 65:34:  Operator '=' must be spaced                            space-infix-ops
  Line 66:38:  Operator '=' must be spaced                            space-infix-ops
  Line 67:38:  Operator '=' must be spaced                            space-infix-ops
  Line 68:1:   Trailing spaces not allowed                            no-trailing-spaces
  Line 70:1:   This line has a length of 165. Maximum allowed is 100  max-len

Search for the keywords to learn more about each error.

Event Timeline

Hi, please post text as text, so text can get indexed and be searched for. Thanks! :)

Gopavasanth triaged this task as Unbreak Now! priority.Feb 11 2023, 7:18 AM
Gopavasanth updated the task description. (Show Details)
Gopavasanth lowered the priority of this task from Unbreak Now! to High.Feb 11 2023, 7:30 AM
Gopavasanth updated the task description. (Show Details)

Change 888310 had a related patch set uploaded (by Punith.nyk; author: Punith.nyk):

[labs/tools/VideoCutTool@master] Fix terminal erros while starting react app

Also removed the console.log() of the post request

image.png (200×498 px, 21 KB)

Change 888310 merged by jenkins-bot:

[labs/tools/VideoCutTool@master] Fix terminal erros while starting react app