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Error "IRC: Closing Link" should be handled
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@Krinkle wrote on 9 June 2020:
# CVNBot10
Jun  8 23:44:32 cvn-app9 CVNBot.exe[3319]: INFO  [Main] CVNBot.Program [CVNBot10] Connected to
Jun  8 23:44:32 cvn-app9 CVNBot.exe[3319]: INFO  [Main] CVNBot.Program [CVNBot10] Joining feed channel: #cvn-sw
Jun  8 23:44:32 cvn-app9 CVNBot.exe[3319]: INFO  [Main] CVNBot.Program [CVNBot10] Joining control channel: #cvn-bots
Jun  8 23:44:32 cvn-app9 CVNBot.exe[3319]: INFO  [Main] CVNBot.Program [CVNBot10] Joining broadcast channel: #cvn-broadcast
Jun  8 23:44:32 cvn-app9 CVNBot.exe[3319]: INFO  [RCReader] CVNBot.RCReader [CVNBot10] Thread started
Jun  8 23:44:32 cvn-app9 CVNBot.exe[3319]: INFO  [RCReader] CVNBot.RCReader [CVNBot10] Connected to
Jun  8 23:44:32 cvn-app9 CVNBot.exe[3319]: INFO  [RCReader] CVNBot.RCReader [CVNBot10] Joining 144 channels
Jun  8 23:44:42 cvn-app9 CVNBot.exe[3319]: INFO  [Thread Pool Worker] CVNBot.ListManager [CVNBot10] Tim threw away 1 items
Jun  8 23:45:07 cvn-app9 CVNBot.exe[3319]: ERROR [Main] CVNBot.Program [CVNBot10] IRC: Closing Link: (Connection timed out)

The bot process remained alive with no action. It did not try to reconnect, restart, or exit (for external auto-restart from cron).

It just stayed running without actually being in the feed channels on Freenode.