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Account recovery help needed for Developer account Svetlana Tkachenko
Closed, DeclinedPublic


I broke my phone and have lost my 2FA for logging into Wikitech using my Developer account. Please disable 2FA on my account so that I can continue using my Developer account. Due to hardware failure that has occurred twice last year I also do not have access to my previous ssh keypairs. I still have access to my Wikimedia account and email.

Event Timeline

Gryllida renamed this task from Account recovery help needed for Developer account [YOUR USERNAME] to Account recovery help needed for Developer account Svetlana Tkachenko.Feb 6 2023, 7:38 AM

I also do not have access to my previous ssh keypairs

This blocks our normal Developer account recovery request validation process from

The @Gryllida account here in Phabricator is connected to The open question for me is if this connection is enough to satisfy or if we need something else.

This account is connected with the Sveta IRC handle on librachat. I have reached out to try and confirm as an additional identity validation point.

@nskaggs: Were you successful in reaching out on IRC?

I have not received a response, though the handle is active on IRC. Someone else is also welcome to try, perhaps with a better daytime overlap than I.

No reply; declining for the time being. Please reopen once there's a reply via IRC.