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Display appropriate message when users tries to edit videos without authentication
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


Currently, Tools is displaying blank screen if user tries to edit videos without logging in. Let us display proper message to login before editing videos using the tool.

Event Timeline

Gopavasanth added subscribers: Iampranavdhar, Punith.nyk.

Hey @Punith.nyk , Unfortunately I need to assign this task to @Iampranavdhar as we created this task for participants in amFOSS- workshop come hackathon. please feel free to pick other task. Thanks!

Hey @Iampranavdhar, Removing you as a assignee, as it has been a while and there is no progress update. Please feel free to assign your self again in case if you want to take it up. Thanks :)

Gopavasanth renamed this task from Allow users to edit videos without authentication to Display appropriate message when users tries to edit videos without authentication.May 19 2023, 1:11 PM
Gopavasanth updated the task description. (Show Details)
Reputation22 claimed this task.