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TestOwnClient.test_page_from_repository_wikidatatest of wikibase_tests fails
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue
pwb wikibase_tests -v TestOwnClient

What happens?:

FAIL: test_page_from_repository_wikidatatest (__main__.TestOwnClient.test_page_from_repository_wikidatatest)
Test that page_from_repository method works for wikibase too on wikidata:test
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\pwb\GIT\core\tests\", line 701, in wrapped_method
    func(self, key)
  File "D:\pwb\GIT\core\tests\", line 2350, in test_page_from_repository
    self.assertEqual(page.title(), self.sites[key]['title'])
AssertionError: 'Wikidata:Main Page' != 'Page \\[\\[(wikidata\\:)?test\\:Q5296\\]\\] is a redirect page\\.'
- Wikidata:Main Page
+ Page \[\[(wikidata\:)?test\:Q5296\]\] is a redirect page\.

Ran 4 tests in 4.519s

FAILED (failures=1)

Other information :
The reason was this change on wikidata:test.

Event Timeline

Xqt triaged this task as High priority.

Change 902840 had a related patch set uploaded (by Xqt; author: Xqt):

[pywikibot/core@master] [bugfix] Update TestOwnClient tests after repository change

Xqt added a project: Pywikibot-Wikidata.

Change 902840 merged by jenkins-bot:

[pywikibot/core@master] [bugfix] Update TestOwnClient tests after repository change

Change 902847 had a related patch set uploaded (by Xqt; author: Xqt):

[pywikibot/core@stable] [8.0.2] Add support for anp-wiki to stable

Change 902847 merged by jenkins-bot:

[pywikibot/core@stable] [8.0.2] Add support for anp-wiki to stable