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fredge access for MBeat33 on new machine
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This is a help request for copying over my .ssh directory from my old machine to the new one + recreating the ssh keypair and config file

[x] ssh
Requires: useraccount and yubikey
[x] key_setup: Send template/docs for generating keypair and ~/.ssh/config file
[x] account_setup: Get public side and add to puppet-private/secrets/ssh/default/$username
[x] follow_on: Verify user can ssh using correct creds and passphrases when needed.

Additionally revoke old keypair.

Event Timeline

Dwisehaupt subscribed.

Chatted with @MBeat33 and verified that the old machine has already been shipped out. I passed along the documentation for setting up a new keypair and config:

Will remove the old pubkey and replace it with the new key when it is generated.

Old key commented out: [frack::puppet::private] 88110b2 Commenting out old mbeat ssh key

ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAICT2UiiJlyigwmN6gcaPwFBefJkbu4EAX7fQeDKkzXlt

MBeat33 claimed this task.

Thank you @Dwisehaupt for your help