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Import and deploy istio 1.15.7
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Things to do for import:

  • update the istio docker images
  • update the istio-cni binary package
  • update the istioctl package


  • rollout the change to ml-staging-codfw
  • rollout the change to staging-eqiad and staging-codfw
  • rollout to dse-eqiad and aux-eqiad
  • rollout to ml-serve
  • rollout to wikikube

Event Timeline

Change 905956 had a related patch set uploaded (by Elukey; author: Elukey):

[operations/docker-images/production-images@master] istio: upgrade to upstream version 1.17.3

Change 905959 had a related patch set uploaded (by Elukey; author: Elukey):

[operations/debs/istioctl@master] Add upstream release 1.15.7

Change 906571 had a related patch set uploaded (by Elukey; author: Elukey):

[operations/debs/istio@master] Upgrade to upstream version 1.15.7

Change 905959 merged by Elukey:

[operations/debs/istioctl@master] Add upstream release 1.15.7

Change 906571 merged by Elukey:

[operations/debs/istio@master] Upgrade to upstream version 1.15.7

Change 905956 merged by Elukey:

[operations/docker-images/production-images@master] istio: upgrade to upstream version 1.15.7

root@apt2001:/srv/wikimedia# reprepro lsbycomponent istio-cni
istio-cni |  1.9.5-1 | bullseye-wikimedia | component/istio195 | amd64
istio-cni | 1.15.7-1 | bullseye-wikimedia | component/istio115 | amd64

root@apt2001:/srv/wikimedia# reprepro lsbycomponent istioctl
istioctl |  1.9.5-1 |  stretch-wikimedia | main | amd64, source
istioctl | 1.15.7-1 |   buster-wikimedia | main | amd64, source
istioctl | 1.15.7-1 | bullseye-wikimedia | main | amd64, source

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2023-04-06T14:14:02Z] <elukey> upload new istio-cni and istioctl 1.15.7 debian package versions to bullseye-wikimedia - T334068

Change 906590 had a related patch set uploaded (by Elukey; author: Elukey):

[operations/deployment-charts@master] custom_deploy.d: upgrade istio to 1.15.7-1

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2023-04-06T14:21:16Z] <elukey> upgrade istioctl on deploy[12]002 and istio-cni on ml-serve[12]00[1-8] manually - T334068

Change 906590 merged by Elukey:

[operations/deployment-charts@master] custom_deploy.d: upgrade istio to 1.15.7-1

Rollout to ml-serve/aux/dse completed. To keep archives happy, I used istioctl-1.15.7 upgrade -f config.yaml

Last step: rollout to wikikube clusters

Wikikube is done as well