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Upgrade + reboot x2 DB hosts
Closed, ResolvedPublic


@MoritzMuehlenhoff just let me know that the following servers are pending a kernel upgrade + reboot
They are all part of x2

  • db1151.eqiad.wmnet master
  • db1152.eqiad.wmnet
  • db1153.eqiad.wmnet
  • db2142.codfw.wmnet
  • db2143.codfw.wmnet
  • db2144.codfw.wmnet master

Event Timeline

Marostegui moved this task from Triage to In progress on the DBA board.
Marostegui updated the task description. (Show Details)
Marostegui updated the task description. (Show Details)

I will do both switchovers next week, as they are quite complex to do.

Change 909012 had a related patch set uploaded (by Marostegui; author: Marostegui):

[operations/puppet@production] db1152: Promote it to x2 master

Change 909012 merged by Marostegui:

[operations/puppet@production] db1152: Promote it to x2 master

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2023-04-17T05:56:45Z] <marostegui@cumin1001> dbctl commit (dc=all): 'Promote db1152 to x2 primary T334663', diff saved to and previous config saved to /var/cache/conftool/dbconfig/20230417-055644-root.json

Marostegui lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Low.Apr 18 2023, 6:28 AM
Marostegui raised the priority of this task from Low to Medium.

All hosts rebooted after the switchovers on both eqiad and codfw.