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WikiEditor articlePathRegex is invalid for internal link detection in 1.17.0
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The code in WikiEditor for detecting "external internal" links like is broken due to an incorrect regular expression. The following code appears in ext.wikiEditor.dialogs.js in 1.17.0 (and in jquery.wikiEditor.dialogs.config.js in later MW versions):

$(this).data( 'articlePathRegex', new RegExp(

'^' + $.escapeRE( mw.config.get( 'wgServer' ) + mw.config.get( 'wgArticlePath' ) )
.replace( /\\\$1/g, '(.*)' ) + '$'

) );

The problem is that $.escapeRE converts this string:$1



The problem is the slash before the "1". As a result, the replacement:

.replace( /\\\$1/g, '(.*)' ) + '$'

fails to match, so the $1 does not get replaced by "(.*)".

A quick fix would be to change the replace() call to:

.replace( /\\\$\\1/g, '(.*)' ) + '$'

but honestly, I don't understand why $.escapeRE turns "$1" into "\$\1". I think it should be turning it into "\$1". Maybe $1 has special meaning to $.escapeRE, as a back-reference or something?

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 21 2014, 11:55 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz31499.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Created attachment 9183
Patch for regular expression problem


$.escapeRE() should be fixed here. I'll investigate.



Is what I get in trunk (where $.escapeRE() has been moved to trunk/phase3/resources/jquery/jquery.mwExtension.js). Which version did you get your results on?

I am using 1.17.0. Firebug gives the buggy results:



When I hit English Wikipedia and check against 1.18.0wmf, I get correct results:



There might still be a problem on English Wikipedia however, because of the following use case:

0. Visit and edit any page.

  1. Click the Link button in the editor.
  2. Enter as the link and click "Insert link".
  3. You *should* get a pop-up dialog that says "The URL you specified looks like it was intended as a link to another wiki page. Do you want to make it an internal link?" (message MediaWiki:Wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-lookslikeinternal), however no dialog appears.

(In reply to comment #4)

I am using 1.17.0. Firebug gives the buggy results:



When I hit English Wikipedia and check against 1.18.0wmf, I get correct



There might still be a problem on English Wikipedia however, because of the
following use case:

0. Visit and edit any page.

  1. Click the Link button in the editor.
  2. Enter as the link and click "Insert link".
  3. You *should* get a pop-up dialog that says "The URL you specified looks like

it was intended as a link to another wiki page. Do you want to make it an
internal link?" (message
MediaWiki:Wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-lookslikeinternal), however no dialog

Hah, that's probably because wgServer is protocol-relative now:

