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FR-Tech FY2425Q1 maintenance window
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Dates: 2024-08-19 - 2024-08-23
Asana task:
Next: T337583: FR-Tech FY2425Q2 maintenance window (Nov 11-15th, 2024)

Tracked Tasks

MariaDB updates

  • frdb1003
  • frdb1005

Kernel and package updates with reboots

  • civi1002
  • frdb1003
  • frdb1005
  • frqueue1004
  • fran1001
  • All the other hosts

Additional regular tasks

Event Timeline

greg triaged this task as Medium priority.May 26 2023, 6:32 PM
greg created this task.
greg updated the task description. (Show Details)
greg added a subscriber: Dwisehaupt.

@Dwisehaupt is T356443 really supposed to be for this window, not the one in May (T359885: FR-Tech FY2324Q4 maintenance window)?

Thanks for spotting that. I think I added it to here before we had confirmed the window in T359885. I'll update them.

AKanji-WMF subscribed.

Moving to Sprint +1 for viz

I'll try to get a patch ready to add more fields to contribution_extra (see T372468: Finalizing Gravy fields in Civi)