The Wikidata free image search tool is a useful tool that allows you to search for images that are freely available from different sources
Accessing the WikiData Free Image Search Tool
Go to the WikiData website ( using your preferred web browser.
Navigating to the Query Service
At the top of the WikiData website, click on the "Query Service" link. This will open the WikiData Query Service interface.
Writing the Query
In the Query Service interface, you'll see a text box where you can write your query. Here's an example query to search for free images:
Copy code
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?image WHERE { ?item wdt:P18 ?image. FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?item wdt:P642 ?statement. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } }
This query selects items (?item) that have an image (?image) associated with them and filters out items that have a "copyright status" (wdt:P642) statement. The SERVICE wikibase:label part ensures that the labels for the items are displayed in English.
**Running the Query
Copy the query from Step 3 and paste it into the text box in the Query Service interface. Then, click on the "Run" button to execute the query.
Viewing the Results
Once the query has finished executing, the results will be displayed below the query box. Each result row represents an item with an associated image. The image URL can be found in the ?image column, and the item's label is displayed in the ?itemLabel column.
Accessing the Image
To access the image, you can click on the image URL in the ?image column. This will open the image in a new tab or window. From there, you can save the image to your computer or use it as needed.