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Improve error handling in "Escalate security issue" code
Closed, ResolvedPublicFeature


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to test instance at
  2. Select Protect as security issue in the sidebar
  3. In the Escalate security issue overlay dialog, select the Escalate button

Actual outcome:

Unhandled Exception ("Error")
Call to a member function getPHID() on null

Expected outcome:
A reasonable error message explaining what's the issue when running a test instance: Project tags are hardcoded, thus they don't necessarily exist in a test instance and someone needs to create them first.


TitleReferenceAuthorSource BranchDest Branch
Improve error handling in "Escalate security issue" coderepos/phabricator/extensions!22aklapperT337654wmf/stable
Improve error handling in "Escalate security issue" coderepos/phabricator/extensions!8aklapperaklapper-wmf/stable-patch-72396wmf/stable
Customize query in GitLab

Event Timeline

Note to myself: The GitLab UI when deleting personal projects is not particularly clear when it displays "0 patches, 0 issues, 0 etc" etc. I did not realize that this message does not cover open merge requests for the main branch, so I need to re-do this patch...

Deployed on 2024-04-16