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HTML entity displayed in raw
Open, Needs TriagePublicBUG REPORT


I recently added a Japanese translation of convenient-discussions-toc-commentcount-new-full ($1 comments +$2 new), but there's an issue with the display of the message.

As the doc says, the A +B notation isn't a summand, so I translated the message into a Japanese equivalent of $1 comments >$2 new, with the comparison operator of >. The problem is, this operator is displayed as the HTML entity of &gt; below section headings, although it is correctly displayed in the TOC. I also tried enclosing the operator with <nowiki></nowiki> and then the reverse happened; I mean the operator is correctly displayed below section headings but in the TOC as $1 comments <nowiki>></nowiki>$2 new.

I guess there's some parsing issue (possibly not with CD but with mw.messages).
Could you have a look? Thanks.

Sorry I confused some of the interface messages of CD. It appears that the message regulating the links below section headings is convenient-discussions-section-metadata-commentcount-new, not convenient-discussions-toc-commentcount-new-full. I just edited the right one and here's more accurate info:

convenient-discussions-section-metadata-commentcount-new$1 comments >$2 new$1 comments &gt;$2 new
$1 comments <nowiki>></nowiki>$2 new$1 comments >$2 new
convenient-discussions-toc-commentcount-new-full$1 comments <nowiki>></nowiki>$2 new$1 comments <nowiki>></nowiki>$2 new
$1 comments >$2 new$1 comments >$2 new

The first ones for each message are potentially problematic (and it's quite confusing that nowiki behaves in an inconsistent manner).
I have set the second ones as Japanese translations so on the surface level, there isn't a display issue at the moment. But if there indeed is a parsing issue, please check it out. Otherwise, this task can be closed.

Event Timeline

CD.PNG (208×783 px, 33 KB)

Here's an image.

And what I wrote above was inaccurate, the issue persists in the links below section headings as well when enclosing the comparison operator with nowiki.