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Vector 2022: consider adding the watchlist icon and improve consistency of the sticky header
Open, Needs TriagePublicFeature


Feature summary (what you would like to be able to do and where):
This has been reported here by a user on frwiki and in the past here by an Italian user (and suggested in other discussions too, exemple 1, exemple 2, exemple 3)

Pour moi l'entête devrait avoir le lien vers la liste de suivi en accès direct.
  • for some users, the Watchlist icon should be present as a priority within the sticky header
Que des boutons contextuels apparaissent quand on défile vers le bas, pourquoi pas, mais les autres (pages utilisateur, alertes/notifications et liste de suivi) devraient rester toujours visibles et au même endroit.
  • for some users, the sticky header is too different from the menu at the top of the page. This may confuse users. Consider improve consistency between the top of the page and the sticky header, by showing the same icons at the same position (user menu, notification and watchlist).

Headers-sticky-vs-page.jpg (114×798 px, 14 KB)

As you can see in several answers by the Web Team and Ambassadors as well, the choice of a selected list of icons is imposed by design.
This is because some menus (some lines of menus) are all "resumed" and condensed in the sticky header (a single line of menu). A compromise solution has already been found.
Hovever, this compromise solution could be improved, especially concerning the watchlist icon.