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PAWS generating odd directory names that break the public links
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When I open a PAWS notebook in the Hub, if the notebook is in a sub-folder of my home directory, the URL gets a RTC: pre-pended to the subdirectory name. It doesn't affect running the notebook but does lead to an incorrect PAWS-public link when use the PAWS public link button in the interface. For example:

I tested at least Chrome and Firefox but didn't go much further in trying to narrow down behavior other than verifying that it seems to happen with all of my folders so isn't specific to the example one above.

Event Timeline

This is a change in behavior for jupyterlab 4 impacting labpawspublic. The property we are using is having RTC: prepended to it. I cannot figure out where to get the proper path, in fact I cannot find the documentation for jupyterlab's 4.0 api... (3.0 docs).
A quick solution is to remove the RTC: there.

I'm not seeing this in the test environment where T343116 is deployed, so perhaps it was an issue with a version of jupyterlab/something that we've skipped over. Or the dev env just isn't seeing it for some reason?