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{Machine Readability} Add Wikidata Statements
Open, Needs TriagePublic



As a dev, I'd like to explore approaches to access and add Wikidata Statements and increase my knowledge on Wikidata.


  1. discovery: goal right now is to get familiar with Wikidata and Wikidata statements and have a documented outcome of the findings.

Acceptance criteria for Stage 1:

  • investigate Wikidata statements
  • add 3 examples of wikidata statements added to Structured Contents json
  • compare 3 examples of Wikidata statements with Wikipedia infoboxes (person, city, thing) and document the findings
  • document findings (possible access approaches, schema, comparison with infobox data)
  • bring findings back to the team

Event Timeline

SDelbecque-WMF renamed this task from {Machine Readability} Add Wikidata Statements to {Machine Readability} Parsing Wikidata Statements.Jul 18 2023, 12:57 PM
SDelbecque-WMF renamed this task from {Machine Readability} Parsing Wikidata Statements to {Machine Readability} Add Wikidata Statements.
SDelbecque-WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)