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Add Entity type using Wikidata to Prototype API
Closed, InvalidPublic5 Estimated Story Points


After the investigation ticket in, we need to integrate this deliverable into the MR prototype API

Acceptance Criteria

  • The Wikidata entity details (PID and English synonyms) are added to the root of each JSON results
  • Test that the endpoint works on popular Wiki projects (multiple languages)

Event Timeline

JArguello-WMF set the point value for this task to 5.Jul 27 2023, 2:14 PM

@SDelbecque-WMF this is the implementation ticket to write the code to add the Entity type (and description) in our MR API.

When you sign off on the "investigate ticket" I can start working on this code.

@JArguello-WMF @REsquito-WMF I'll close this ticket. We've evaluated Entity Type and it doesn't fit with customer needs at the moment, instead we pivoted to add a short description to the machine-readability API.