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Wikimania Hackathon 2023: Event photography
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Group coordinator is: @Omar_sansi

This is a task to collect ideas and progress from the group of volunteers who agreed to help take photos at the Wikimania Hackathon 2023 in Singapore and upload them to Wikimedia Commons.

Volunteer roles: As a hackathon volunteer photographer, your job is to capture the essence of the event through photography.

  • Adhere to the event’s photo policy while photographing.
  • Upload photos to Wikimedia Commons in the Category: Wikimania 2023 Hackathon.
  • Capture the general ambiance of the hackathon, including the participants' excitement, energy, and innovation.
  • Some ideas for the types of photos include participants working on a project in a group, participating in or leading a workshop or session, conversing in a small group, or event swag items, event venue, hackathon signage, and any fascinating setups.
  • Take a group photo. There will be a date & time on the schedule for this.
  • Be active in the Wikimania Hackathon 2023 Volunteers Telegram channel dedicated to volunteers and participate in in-person syncs at the beginning of each day during the Hackathon.
  • Feel free to sign up to assist with this task by subscribing.

Coordinator roles: In this position, you will coordinate all photography-related activities and ensure that key moments of the hackathon are documented.

  • Lead coordination efforts and serve as a point of contact for the volunteer group!
  • Stay in touch with potential volunteers advising them of their duties and responsibilities and requesting them to subscribe to this Phabricator task to stay up to date.
  • Invite volunteers to join the Wikimania Hackathon 2023 Volunteers Telegram channel.
  • Sync up with your group's volunteers at the start of each day of the event and provide the required support to volunteers and organisers.
  • After the event, make sure no volunteering-related tasks are outstanding on Phabricator. Send a thank you letter to volunteers.

Photo policy:

  • Participants will be able to indicate their preference for being photographed through the use of lanyards. If someone is wearing the “no photography” lanyard, they do not wish to appear in any photography or video. Intentionally photographing a person wearing this lanyard without their knowledge is against the friendly-space policy of the event.
  • Certain sessions of the conference are marked as “no photography” in the program No photography, and will be announced as such at the beginning of the session.
  • Photos of crowds. If anyone wearing a “no photography” lanyard appears in a photo of a crowd (e.g. a photo of the foyer area or of people in the distance) the photographer must blur out that person in the final rendering of the photograph.
  • Mindful photographing. Please be careful of photographing those with “photography is okay” lanyards in situations where people are less likely to want to be photographed. This includes while eating food or drinking, or when having a private conversation.
  • Consent. It is best practice to obtain consent from identifiable people in your photo before posting online.
    • For virtual attendees, please avoid taking or posting screenshots without participants' verbal consent.

Note: Some more ideas for improving the photo policy and how to determine consent are in the links below:

Event Timeline

Maryann-Onyinye updated the task description. (Show Details)
Maryann-Onyinye updated the task description. (Show Details)

Thanks for participating in the Hackathon! We hope you had a great time.
Assuming this activity took place and no further followup is needed, thus resolving this task.