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Problems with removal of 'flaggedrevs-diffonly' message and related functionality
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This week we merged rEFLRfec4418313c4: Remove 'flaggedrevs-diffonly' message and related functionality. As a result, any localisation messages that were customized on-wiki and referred to this message now display a red link to "MediaWiki:Flaggedrevs-diffonly" instead.

User Kallichore reported this problem to me by email and linked

Affected pages: (16 results, but some were probably already fixed by users)

I was aware of this potential problem when making the change, but when I checked at the time, I got no results. I don't know if I used the wrong options or something, or if the tool was not working correctly.

The workaround is to remove {{MediaWiki:flaggedrevs-diffonly}} from the messages.

(Some wikis also worked around the problem by creating MediaWiki:flaggedrevs-diffonly: but I suggest against that.)

Event Timeline

I fixed the problem in the remaining pages:

I also asked editors to remove the two overrides for the message that were created today to work around this problem:

(before that, it really was unused)

matmarex claimed this task.