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Explore and implement a way to keep the realtime connection alive
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For strict filtering, where events are far and few between, the connection drops due to idle timeout on alb. We need to experiment ways to keep the connection alive.

As alb time out extension is not an option, since the filtering may cross the timeout anyway.

  • Discuss with the team possible options here:
  • We can explore a heartbeat message option. Maintain the time when the last SSE was sent. If it is close to an hour (say 55 mins), send a "dummy" heartbeat message as SSE.
  • Other suggestion?
  • Implement and deploy to dev after discussion

QA / Acceptance criteria
Open a connection to realtime dev after deploying. Apply a very strict filtering (or unsupported namespace, etc.) such that events are likely not coming for the next hour. See that the connection survives.

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Protsack.stephan updated the task description. (Show Details)
prabhat renamed this task from Explore ways to keep the realtime connection alive to Explore and implement a way to keep the realtime connection alive.Aug 15 2023, 4:00 PM