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Fundraising environment support for Debian 12 (Bookworm)
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Bookworm was released on 2023-06-10, thus it's time to work on Fundraising environment support.

  • import pxeboot kernel and get preseed working
  • figure out puppet 7 changes, develop a v7 + v5.5 migration that allows us to support earlier Debian releases (see T338195)
  • deprecated php-geoip package? we're almost positive it's a legacy thing, from pre-composer days
  • update puppet CA directory to new location at /etc/puppet/puppetserver/ca
  • work through each server role to find/fix puppet issues (add subtasks for this)
    • analytics - puppet runs, otherwise blocked on Superset which isn't bundled for bookworm yet
    • auth - dist-upgrade, kerberos and freeradius/yubikey works
    • backup - dist-upgraded
    • banner_logger - kafkatee needs patching/packaging see
    • bastion - dist-upgraded
    • build - dist upgraded, seems to require a CA refresh, didn't try to move CA dir to /etc per recommendation
    • civicrm - dist-upgrade with post-reboot puppet run and mariadb upgrade
    • frdata - dist-upgrade with post-reboot puppet run and mariadb upgrade
    • frdev - python3-abba built, php config streamlined
    • frmx - dist-upgrade, basic SMTP works fine, SMTP TLS + letsencrypt cert still needs testing
    • fundraising_database, frdb_* - perccli repackaged, mariadb upgrade has to happen after a reboot then puppet run
    • logger - dist-upgrade, central logging works
    • monitoring - dist-upgrade, prometheus/grafana basic function tested
    • network_security - fresh install runs clean, with expected errors around cert install dirs vs manual nessus install
    • pay_lvs - blocked on pybal - see T200319 and proposed liberica project T332027
    • payments_listener
    • payments - dist-upgrade with post-reboot puppet run and mariadb upgrade
    • queue - redis v7, we should flush queues first, look at SSL and enable append-only files
    • siem - dist-upgraded, tested aiderator collection and reporting

Event Timeline

Jgreen updated the task description. (Show Details)
Jgreen triaged this task as Medium priority.
Jgreen updated the task description. (Show Details)
Jgreen updated the task description. (Show Details)
Jgreen updated the task description. (Show Details)
Jgreen updated the task description. (Show Details)
Jgreen updated the task description. (Show Details)