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Create Structured Contents API Use Case
Closed, ResolvedPublic5 Estimated Story Points


We want to create a UI use case demo that showcases how someone would utilize the Structured Contents API to populate a knowledge panel.
You can find such panels on search engines when querying terms such as Josephine Baker for example.
Our goal is to share this demo with potential customers and include it in our marketing materials.

Acceptance criteria
Develop a user interface (UI) that is shareable on our website.
This UI should be able to interact with our API, querying it to dynamically construct a knowledge panel.


  • figure out what it's going to look like and how we are going to embed it
  • build out the UI
  • host the demo so that it can be accessible through GitHub Pages


  • The code will be open-sourced, so we need to ensure that the appropriate license is included and that the code is well-written.
  • Security is a concern; ideally, we would prefer not to have any back-end here. But if we don't, how can we ensure the safety of credentials?
  • This needs to be done in close collaboration with Product and Marketing.

Event Timeline

Protsack.stephan created this task.
JArguello-WMF renamed this task from Create Structured Contents API use case demo UI to Create Structured Contents API use case demo UI [needs renaming and presentation to everyone].Aug 24 2023, 2:34 PM
JArguello-WMF renamed this task from Create Structured Contents API use case demo UI [needs renaming and presentation to everyone] to Create Structured Contents API Use Case [needs renaming and presentation to everyone].
JArguello-WMF set the point value for this task to 5.Aug 24 2023, 7:54 PM
JArguello-WMF renamed this task from Create Structured Contents API Use Case [needs renaming and presentation to everyone] to Create Structured Contents API Use Case.Sep 14 2023, 2:06 PM