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Decide and prioritize on the Best method for reference parsing
Closed, ResolvedPublic5 Estimated Story Points



O.5 KR?

Evaluate if the section investigation work is useful to support the Content Integrity work for references.

To Do

  1. Discuss the methods for reference parsing
  2. Decide based on content integrity product needs if Machine Readability's two methods suit Content Integrity's needs
  3. Engineers will write a Onepager with the outcome (technical decision) - Francisco will contribute to the text
  4. Inform and confirm clarity with Stephanie and Francisco so they can make the next product decisions accordingly

Methods to be evaluated

  1. machine readability: 1.1 Enriched sections on 1.2 Plain Text sections
  1. Content Integrity product reasoning to consider

Product Needs

See the ticket to understand product needs

Outstanding question

  • Is the method for parsing references in Machine Readability applicable to Content Integrity?

This task is complete when

  • the One pager is complete with the answer to the outstanding question above and the general method of Parsing References for WME APIs documented.

[x ] Engineers have Briefed Stephanie and Francisco
[x ] Francisco and Stephanie have prioritized based on the decision made

Methods for Citation from Research

[x ] Template matching method git
[x ] See Francisco's one pager on citations and references for internal link regex approach notebook

Next Steps

After all of he above are completed the next key ticket is


Event Timeline

JArguello-WMF renamed this task from {For Discussion} Best method for reference parsing to Decide and prioritize on the Best method for reference parsing.Sep 11 2023, 2:34 PM
JArguello-WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)
JArguello-WMF set the point value for this task to 5.

Waiting for meeting with other PMs next week