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Investigate if we should use existing reference quality model in realtime
Open, Needs TriagePublic


OKR 5.2

User Story

"As a third-party reuser of wikimedia data, I want to know that the quality of the revision I am receiving in realtime is good,
so that I can better prioritize this new revision in my systems, whether of ingesting and surfacing to my audience or for training my models."


Our customers often ask for a score. While a score may not be the best method, or the end all, be all of accurately assessing quality of articles across wikipedia, it may be a perfect funcional placeholder while we build to a better end in the longer-term.


Research has a built and tested a model for judging the quality of a revision in an article, which would need to be put into production via Liftwing and the ML team.

Acceptance criteria

  • Engineering team determines that the model is functional in a realtime environment with goal of understanding if we should add a dependency in our APIs

To Do

  • Test existing model
  • Make determination of its offering as far as latency, quality of results and general offering. Could we add it to realtime? or only on demand?
  • Liase with ML team on results
  • Document decisions in One Pager with Francisco

An explanation of the score the model delivers —

image_360.png (279×360 px, 81 KB)

Related ticket on Research quarterly report of model quality

Event Timeline