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Proposal: Addressing the Lusophone technological wishlist proposals Outreachy(2023-2024)
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Name : Anne
Email :
Github :
Location : Cameroon (UTC +1)
Typical working hours : Between 8 am and 4 pm UTC +1


The Lusophone technological wishlist, in the lusophone Wiki context, is a survey that intends to understand which are the technological innovations and the tools and platforms that could be modified to improve user experience, that is, to identify and prioritize the most basic needs of the community of editors, readers and researchers of the Wikimedia projects in Portuguese, so they have a more productive and pleasant experience.
The list's objective is to integrate the Portuguese-speaking communities in a strategic and collaborative process that acts towards research and identification of technological bottlenecks in the lusophone projects that prevent or hinder the entry and permanence of new and veteran editors, readers and researchers of the Wikimedia projects in Portuguese.
Mentors : @Mike_Peel @Albertoleoncio @Ederporto


December 4 to December 08Community bonding period. Familiarization with the community. Get more acquainted with the clarification, project objectives, goals, and requirements. Starting with project 9: Editting tutorial Videos for the mobile version. Research and planning, familiarizing myself with the Wikipedia mobile application, mobile editing features of Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons. Identify the most common tasks and challenges faced by newcomers while editing on the mobile version. Research existing video tutorials and resources available for mobile editing. Based on the research, create an outline of the key topics and tasks that should be covered in the video tutorials. Prioritize the topics based on their importance and relevance to newcomers. Develop scripts for the video tutorials, ensuring clear and concise instructions for each task.Break down the content into logical sections for each video.
December 11 to December 15Video Recording. Set up a screen recording software or use a mobile device to capture the editing process. Follow the scripts and demonstrate the step-by-step instructions for each task. Ensure the video quality is clear and the instructions are easy to follow. Edit the recorded footage to remove any mistakes or unnecessary content. Add visual elements such as text overlays, annotations, or highlights to emphasize important points. Enhance the overall visual and audio quality of the videos. Review the edited videos to ensure they meet the desired quality standards. Export the videos in a suitable format and resolution for online viewing. Upload the videos to a suitable platform, such as YouTube or a dedicated tutorial section on Wikipedia/Wikimedia Commons. Create accompanying descriptions or documentation for each video tutorial. Submit bi-weekly report
December 18 to December 21Understand the concept of broken links, study the existing Dead Link Finder tool and its functionality on the German Wikipedia. Identify the requirements and challenges of implementing a similar tool for the Portuguese Wikipedia or modifying the Dead Link Finder tool to also suit the Portuguese Wikipedia and more. Tool Design and Planning. Determine the scope and features of the tool for checking broken links in a set of pages. Design the user interface and workflow for the tool. Plan the implementation steps and prioritize key functionalities.
December 26 to December 29Development: Set up the development environment and required dependencies. Implement the core functionality of the tool for checking broken links. Test the tool with a small set of pages to ensure its functionality and compatibility. Enhance the tool by implementing pagination, allowing the processing of a large number of pages. Add filters to refine the search, such as filtering by category or date range. Test the pagination and filtering functionality to ensure its effectiveness. Submit bi-weekly report
January 1 to January 4Address the compatibility issue with Internet Explorer, ensuring the tool works on modern browsers. Test the tool across different browsers and devices to ensure compatibility and responsiveness. Conduct thorough testing to identify and fix any bugs or issues. Collect feedback from potential users or the community to gather insights for improving the tool's usability. Implement user experience enhancements based on the feedback received. Test the improved user experience and make necessary adjustments.
January 5Phase I evaluation
January 8 to January 12Create comprehensive documentation for the tool, including installation instructions, usage guidelines, and troubleshooting tips. Prepare the tool for deployment on the Portuguese Wikipedia. Collaborate with the community to announce and promote the availability of the tool. Monitor the tool's usage and gather feedback for further improvements. Submit bi-weekly report.
January 15 to January 19Research and analysis for the Unification of Wikidata Infoboxes. Understand the current landscape of infobox templates based on Wikidata on Wikipedia. Analyze the existing templates, their variations, and usage across different articles. Identify common elements and patterns to inform the unification process. Engage with the community, including editors and template maintainers, to gather their insights and requirements. Document the desired features and functionalities of the unified infobox template. Identify any potential challenges or concerns that need to be addressed.
January 22 to January 26Design and planning. Define the structure and layout of the unified infobox template. Determine the data fields and mapping from Wikidata properties to template parameters. Create a design that combines the style preferences of the community with the integration of Wikidata data. Template Development. Set up the development environment and required tools. Implement the unified infobox template based on the design and requirements gathered. Test the template with sample data to ensure its functionality and compatibility. Submit biweekly report.
January 29 to February 2Migration and testing. Identify a subset of articles that use infobox templates based on Wikidata. Develop a migration plan to transition these articles to the new unified template. Test the migration process on a test environment, ensuring data integrity and template compatibility. Create documentation for editors and template maintainers, explaining the usage and benefits of the new unified infobox template. Communicate the upcoming changes to the community, highlighting the advantages of standardization and seeking feedback.
February 5 to February 8Migration and rollout. Execute the migration plan to transition articles from the old infobox templates to the new unified template. Monitor the migration process, addressing any issues or conflicts that may arise. Collaborate with editors and maintainers to ensure a smooth transition and address any concerns. Gather feedback from the community and users of the unified infobox template. Evaluate the feedback and identify areas for improvement or iteration. Make necessary adjustments and refinements to the template based on the collected feedback. Submit Biweekly report
February 9Phase II evaluation
February 12 to February 16Define and document best practices for creating infobox templates in line with the unified template. Develop guidelines for editors to follow when creating or modifying infoboxes. Promote the adoption of these best practices to ensure consistency and standardization. Provide training sessions or resources for editors to learn about the unified infobox template and its usage if needed. Offer ongoing support and assistance to editors who have questions or need help with the template.
February 19 to February 23Evaluation and Maintenance. Evaluate the impact of the unified infobox template on maintenance efforts and usability. Monitor the template's usage and address any issues or bugs that may arise. Continuously update and maintain the unified template based on evolving needs and feedback. Submit bi-weekly report
February 26 to March 1Prepare comprehensive documentation summarizing the project, including the process, outcomes, and lessons learned. Share the documentation with the mentors. Close the project, ensuring that the unified infobox template is being effectively utilized and maintained. Submit comprehensive internship reports concerning all projects.


  • Thorough research and planning regarding editing Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons with mobile
  • Script writing for common challenges when using mobile version to edit Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons.
  • Video shoot and editing
  • Understanding the German Dead link finder and a creating a design structure for a deadlink finder for the Portuguese Wikipedia.
  • Implementation and testing of the Portuguese Wikipedia dead link finder

Phase I evaluation

  • Research and analysis for the Unification of Wikidata Infoboxes.
  • Define and design the structure and layout of the unified infobox template

Phase II evaluation

  • Create a presentation summarizing the research findings, insights, and recommendations
  • Deliver the presentation to the mentor and/or other groups, highlighting the key findings and recommendations
  • Migration and testing
  • Migration and rollout.

Final evaluation

  • Define and document best practices for creating infobox templates in line with the unified template
  • Evaluation and testing of the unified infoboxes
  • Report submission


  • Online on Zulip in my working hours ( 8am to 4 pm UTC +1)
  • Available through gmail during known working hours
  • Communication on tasks will be through commenting on subtasks to the project created on Phabricator.
  • Weekly reports will be published in my meta wiki user page

About me

I am currently a Master's Student at the University of Bamenda in the field of Computer Engineering. I have a strong inclination towards technology and a deep appreciation for open-source projects. I share interests in fields such as Software Engineering, Data Science, etc
What particularly excites me about this project is the opportunity to contribute to the Portuguese Wikipedia. From the Lusophone technological wishlist, I discovered wishes that are actually pertinent to the people, and addressing this problem is not only going to help the technological team but the population in general. As a developer and an open source lover, I personally would love for certain fixes even the minor ones to be fixed to help myself and other developers since this will improve productivity for the technical team and consequently, better results for the population.

I have acquired experience collaborating within teams like GDSC(Google Developer Student Club) co-lead and co team member, Technovation Girls Mentor etc.
Being in school, I have being opportuned to have and validate courses on Data Analysis, Data Analysis and Mining, Machine Learning which provided me with relevant knowledge understand and analyse data.
I have examined community surveys to support the project demonstration for both international competition and personal project.

Microtasks completed

Event Timeline

Anne renamed this task from Addressing the Lusophone technological wishlist proposals to Proposal: Addressing the Lusophone technological wishlist proposals Outreachy(2023-2024).Oct 25 2023, 3:56 PM
Anne updated the task description. (Show Details)

Hi @Anne you need to submit this on the Outreachy website, not here. Closing the task as invalid.

Okay sir thanks. Sorry about that I initially thought we were to create our
project timeline on phabricator.