I noticed Apache is sitting at 100% CPU consistently across the active logstash collector hosts.
Details below pulled from a sample collector host, all are showing the same symptom:
PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 215821 www-data 20 0 1947972 11476 136 S 99.3 0.1 98555:06 apache2 3787499 www-data 20 0 1950092 25408 3972 S 97.0 0.3 2724:34 apache2
However utilization according to mod status looks pretty light
logstash1025:~# apachectl status Apache Server Status for localhost (via ::1) Server Version: Apache/2.4.56 (Debian) Server MPM: event Server Built: 2023-04-02T03:06:01 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Current Time: Thursday, 02-Nov-2023 14:44:33 UTC Restart Time: Thursday, 24-Aug-2023 19:15:26 UTC Parent Server Config. Generation: 71 Parent Server MPM Generation: 70 Server uptime: 69 days 19 hours 29 minutes 6 seconds Server load: 4.50 4.94 4.54 Total accesses: 2495568 - Total Traffic: 39.4 GB - Total Duration: 43623082 CPU Usage: u1105.81 s276.17 cu2234.57 cs1731.77 - .0887% CPU load .414 requests/sec - 6.9 kB/second - 16.6 kB/request - 17.4802 ms/request 1 requests currently being processed, 49 idle workers +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | |Connections |Threads |Async connections | |Slot|PID |Stopping|---------------+---------+--------------------------| | | | |total|accepting|busy|idle|writing|keep-alive|closing| |----+-------+--------+-----+---------+----+----+-------+----------+-------| |2 |4163628|no |0 |yes |0 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |----+-------+--------+-----+---------+----+----+-------+----------+-------| |3 |3286906|yes (old|25 |no |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 | | | |gen) | | | | | | | | |----+-------+--------+-----+---------+----+----+-------+----------+-------| |4 |4163629|no |1 |yes |1 |24 |0 |0 |1 | |----+-------+--------+-----+---------+----+----+-------+----------+-------| |Sum |3 |1 |26 | |1 |49 |0 |0 |1 | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ..................................................______________ ___________GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG_________W_______________... ...................... Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process