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Data validation for Patroller tasks feature
Closed, DuplicatePublic


Schema name: /analytics/mobile_apps/app_interaction/1.0.0
Stream: app_patroller_experience
app version: 50457
Feature is in beta. This task is to verify that the data wiring is per expectation.


  • Key Indicator 1: 65% of Target mature audiences that use the tool say they find it helpful for maintaining the quality of wikis and would recommend it to other patrollers
  • Key Indicator 2: Edits made by mature audiences increase by 5%
  • Key Indicator 3: 10% of target mature audiences engage with filter for preferences
  • Key Indicator 4: 65% of Target mature audiences engage with the tool at least three times in a thirty day window
  • Guardrail: Experienced users without rollback rights, users that have and have not used alternative patrolling tools equally understand the workflow
  • Guardrail: We do not receive reports of tool being used to negatively target underrepresented content or contributors based on in-app reporting mechanisms

Things that would be helpful to know

  • How does use of our tool compare to other patrolling tools when looking at MediaWiki Tags (SWViewer, Huggle, and Twinkle)
  • Do we see an increase in Undo/Rollback/Thank events
  • How popular is this task with our target audience relative to other Suggested Edits task?
  • What actions are most popular in the feature?
User Stories
  • As a Wikipedia Android app user that has rollback rights, I want to easily fight vandalism while on the train and save my progress, so that I can maintain the quality of wikis while on the go.
  • As an accomplished experienced editor, I want to learn how to fight vandalism in a low stakes enviornment, so that I can earn admin privileges while still contributing in a way that enhances the quality of wikis, especially about topics that I am well informed about
Target Quant Regions and Languages

First Target Wiki

  • Indonesian

Next Round Target Wikis

  • French
  • Chinese
  • Spanish

Final Target before full scale

  • English

Figma File