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Download fundraising frontend assets from build server
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Currently, our setup script downloads the January 2023 version of the Fundraising App Frontend from GitLab. We did not adapt the script when doing T304049: Move fundraising-app-frontend to GitHub

We still want the out-of-the-box experience of a person who downloaded just the fundraising application to be complete, so we have to provide a way to download the current assets from our build server unauthenticated.

We can't build the assets on GitHub, because GitHub does not provide a predictable, stable URL for the assets built in GitHub Actions (except by creating "releases").

Acceptance criteria:

  • The assets get downloaded from our build server

Implementation details:

  • Ask internal IT to create a new subdomain, e.g.
  • Ask our hosting provider to create a new web server on web03 for the domain. It could point to /home/deploy/fundraising-app-frontend-builds, but we can also use a different directory if required. Ideally, the hosting provider configures this web server to generate an automated index page.
  • If the directory changed, change the cleanup cronjob (that deletes old builds after 90 days) and the .drone.yml file of the fundraising-application-frontend repository that contains the path