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Visual Editor discards anonymous edit if there is an edit conflict
Closed, InvalidPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):

  • Start editing an article in the visual editor while logged out.
  • Open the article on another device (or browser profile) and save an edit there (does not matter if logged in or not) to cause an edit conflict.
  • In the editor from step 1, make sure to edit the same paragraph as in step 2. Then click "Publish changes..." and again "Publish changes".
  • In the edit conflict warning box that appears, click "Resolve conflict".

What happens?:
The editor switches to a classic code editor page which is titled "Edit conflict: /.../", however there is no sign of the changes made while in the visual editor. Clicking "Show changes" returns "(No difference)".

What should have happened instead?:
Options to resolve the edit conflict should appear. If I click "Resolve conflict" while logged in, I am offered to choose paragraph-by-paragraph which revision to save.

Other information (browser name/version, screenshots, etc.):
Experienced and successfully reproduced multiple times today on the Slovene Wikipedia.

Event Timeline

I can't reproduce the problem.

Note that when you encounter an edit conflict, the text of your edit is in a second edit box at the bottom of the page; in the normal edit box at the top, there indeed won't be any sign of the changes, and if you click "Show changes" without doing anything else, you will lose your input and see "(No difference)".

I suspect that while you were logged in, you were seeing the "Paragraph-based edit conflict" beta feature, which provides a very different and much more friendly way to resolve the edit conflict.

Well, I suppose this was the case, and I simply failed to notice the other editing box. Sorry for spamming here. Hope the paragraph-based resolver makes it into production soon.