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Implement GH actions based release automation
Closed, ResolvedPublic5 Estimated Story Points


Current Situation:

  • The documentation says, in order to push a release to Dockerhub, we need to download artifacts from Github actions and push them to docker hub from a dev machine. There is a docker hub upload action in our .github/workflows folder and Dockerhub secrets are configured in Github actions secrets though.


  • Review and potentially fix the Github Dockerhub upload action.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • We can upload builds from Github CI to Dockerhub by simply using the Github UI

[optional] Notes:
[optional] Open Questions:

  • Does the tagging of versions on docker images work properly?
  • Do we want the tagging of versions to be moved next to the docker build invocation?

Event Timeline

roti_WMDE updated the task description. (Show Details)
roti_WMDE added a project: Speedier Release.

We definitely need an dockerhub user account that can be used by that action. The old account "wikibasetravis" seems to be closed.

roti_WMDE renamed this task from Review Docker Hub Upload Action to Review and fix Docker Hub Upload Action.Dec 5 2023, 2:09 PM
roti_WMDE set the point value for this task to 5.
roti_WMDE changed the task status from Open to In Progress.Feb 5 2024, 11:21 AM
roti_WMDE claimed this task.

WIP workflow rework thoughts

image.png (675×982 px, 107 KB)

This new approach also allows us to use build results always directly within the same Github action run. So we do not need to handle github action run_id numbers manually, no need to record them manually in our Also, all script for gh artifact downloading can go away.

We also do not rely on github artifacts for release build storage, fixing T345690.

Since the removal of the tarball build step T357623 we could in the future also only use GHCR container registry for (intermediate) build result storage, probably accelerating the whole pipeline a lot.

roti_WMDE renamed this task from Review and fix Docker Hub Upload Action to Implement GH actions based release automation.Feb 20 2024, 2:21 PM

PR is up for review

This PR adds automatic release git tagging and dockerhub upload to our CI pipeline.

This is implemented by using three CI workflows:

🧪 Build and Test main
  • Runs on push to main branch
  • Runs build
  • Runs test
  • Pushes dev images to GHCR
🏗️ Build and Test PR
  • Runs on every PR
  • On release prep PRs too
  • Runs build
  • Runs tests
  • Pushes dev images to GHCR
📦 Build Test Tag and Publish Release
  • Runs on push to mw- branch
  • Runs build
  • Runs tests
  • Creates git tag for release
  • Pushes images to dockerhub

Release Branches.png (1×1 px, 130 KB)

Notable changes in this PR:
  • refactor CI code to improve code reuse
  • do not use Github artifacts for docker image storage anymore
    • use the Github container registry (GHCR) instead
    • this brings build times down as uploads to GHCR are way faster
    • tag GHCR containers with "dev" prefix, they are not releases
    • tag GHCR container with version string, branch name and run id
  • export images to tarball functionality is completely removed
    • this again brings the build times down as no tarballs are written to disk anymore
  • image version number generation is centralized to reuse it in and CI
  • deprecated code and docs regarding artifacts, pipeline and publishing are removed
  • image security scanning is temporarily disabled as we do not use it
Related issues

This PR would close T345690, T352963, T353732, T272480 too